Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Must be doing something right...

I went to the doctor for cholesterol labs today ("Lipid Panel"), and the results were much improved -- so I must be doing something right! It had been 5 years since I'd had the same labs done -- you can see the difference below:

The results from 2013 were even worse than 2014, with Cholesterol at 211, Triglyceride at 175, HDL at 45, and LDL at 141. Never let anyone tell you that a balanced diet and regular exercise can't improve your health.

My weight has fluctuated a little in the almost 5 years of being "glutton free", as has my level of self control with regard to what, and how much, I eat. If I hadn't picked up cycling after last year's running injury, I don't think I could have maintained this. I'm so thankful for the support of the running and cycling groups that I see on a weekly basis -- they truly are a God-send.

I was curious about my blood sugars (A1C), but my doc didn't order those labs, so he must not be concerned about them since the last result from 2015 had returned to the normal range. Hallelujah!

This is a very simple concept, thousands of years old, and it works. Don't be a glutton. I know, it's definitely not as easy as it sounds, and it's not as glamorous as some of the fad diets; but with a little willpower and hard work, it can be very effective.